Agencies face issues every year and 2022 will be no different. The question is, how do you narrow down what to change and cultivate? When you really take a deep dive into how your agency operates, what stands out as your biggest concerns? Let’s look at taking your top 5 as a priority for 2022.
What Are My Top 5?
It starts with an honest SWOT analysis. Take off the rose colored glasses about yourself and the rest of staff. Look at the things that work really well and what doesn’t in operations. It means considering those things tangible as well as those that aren’t. Now, when you think of those things, how many have you changed over the last 5 years? Have the issues been ongoing long-term? If so, then it is time to change. Ultimately, we say pick your top 5 because you need to focus on them enough to make the change successful. If this is something you do as part of your yearly strategic plan, then that is fantastic. That means pulling out previous strategic plans to see how well you actually cultivated growth and successfully implemented change.
When you analyze your agency, don’t look only at the individual departments, but how they work together as part of the larger agency. Sometimes, the department appears to be a well-oiled machine until it has to function outside itself. Individual staff efficiencies are a big deal. When we are asked to dig into financial issues with agencies, we often find efficiencies play a huge part. Now, we aren’t always talking clinical here. You need to look into finance efficiency. So often we agencies that utilize work-arounds within finance or other departments. For instance, we all know that new software can be frustrating when it doesn’t seem to jive with our current work flow. In these cases, we find finance departments that take twice the time to complete tasks because they do not want to alter work flow. This means they do a lot more things by hand by using old systems. Then, they have to re-input data into software. Do you know if all departments work efficiently?
Let Us Help You!
Considering things in a deep dive format, you may not choose to pick 5 this year. Maybe you really need to focus on a realistic goal of 3 big changes. Ultimately, the goal is making any change successful or cultivating a new program so it doesn’t fail. At Kenyon Homecare Consulting , we help agencies work through strategic changes. Should you need help to evaluate your program and set up solutions for organizational change, please call us today at 206-721-5091 or contact us online to see how we can help you meet your goals!
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